Office 365 Admin Center

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Everything you need to know about Office 365 – January 2019

It was a busy month for Office 365, here's a wrap-up of the highlights for the month.


Bad Cookies Spell Trouble for Office 365 Admin Center

It’s reasonably common for an HTTP 400 error to occur when accessing an Office 365 page. The Office 365 Admin Center seems to be particularly susceptible to the problem. What can you do when an Office 365 page barfs?

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Microsoft Overhauls Office 365 Roadmap – For the Better

Microsoft plans to make the information contained in the Office 365 Roadmap more accessible so that software updates can be tracked from development through announcement to implementation. It all sounds good. The only question is why it took so long to happen. In other news, some odd things happened in Office 365 this week, but I’m not going to write about them (much) as Office 365 Snippets are no more.

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Office 365 Snippets — October 6, 2016

A relaxed week between the bedlam of Ignite and the calmness of the IT/DEV Connections conference in Las Vegas gives me a chance to catch up with some of the less-important but still worthy things I learned about recently. The Exchange team celebrated the 20th anniversary of the product, another of its leaders joined the Microsoft SLT, email from Paul Robichaux caused some problems, and the new Office 365 Admin Center finally reached general availability.

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